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Ring Finger Size

Size Matters

Finding Your Ring Finger Size

When making your own wedding rings one of the first and most important tasks that must be done is to determine your finger sizes. Having an accurate size is a must, don’t try and guess. Finding your ring finger size is pretty easy and can be done in a few different ways.

Make sure you are measuring a ring from the correct finger. In most cases, for wedding rings, you will be making a ring for your mate’s left hand, the 4th finger from their thumb, the finger next to the pinky. However, you can make a ring to fit any finger you choose.

Top 3 Ways to Size Your Finger

  1. Find a jewelery retailer to size you. Most any place that sells rings will have sizers available.
  2. Request we send you a disposable sizing tool Request Now
  3. Get a set of sizers like this from Amazon

Using string or paper is not ideal since it does take into account the thickness of the ring. Using printable charts like this do help if no better option is available. Beware of the print scale on your printer when using a tool like this.

Tips to Sizing Your Finger

For wide rings, greater than 4MM, you should try and use wide profile sizers for a more accurate assessment of your size. In the end, whatever size is comfortable for you is correct. As long as the ring isn’t falling off your hand and it feels good to you is what matters most.